Angel Number Necklace

Angel Number Necklace

Angel Number Necklace comes in a cute pink gift box ready to be gifted.

Material: Stainless Steal

111 - Intuition, spiritual awakening, and trust. Tune into your inner voice.

222 - Alignment. You are precisely where you should be within your divine timeline.

333 - Angelic support. Your guides are transmitting love and guidance.

444 - Your Spirit Guides are acting as guardians. Release apprehensions and flow with life.

555 - A harbinger of change. Novelty is surfacing.

666 - Contemplation. Adjust your thoughts to resonate at higher frequencies.

777 - Good fortune. Embrace the present and have faith in your guides.

888 - Harmonious synchronization. All is falling into place as ordained.

999 - Release. Bid farewell to what no longer serves you and create space for fresh prospects.